As read by Frankie Chan on News at 10, RTB1, 21st June 2009:
The Ministry of Health has confirmed the second case of influenza A(H1N1) in Brunei Darussalam. According to the Ministry’s press release this 2nd case, a Bruneian aged 16 years, returned home from Singapore on the 18th of June 2009. She was well on the flight home and on arrival to the country. The patient only started to develop symptoms on the 19th June 2009 and went to seek medical treatment at the outpatient services at the health centre at Jalan Ong Sum Ping on the 20th of June 2009.
The patient is currently under treatment at the Pengiran Muda Mahkota Pengiran Muda Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah Hospital in Tutong and is in stable condition. The Ministry of Health is tracing all contacts and will quarantine those at risk. The statement says that as the patient only started to develop symptoms only 12 hours after arriving in the country, the Ministry of Health will not be contacting passengers on flight BI 422 which arrived from Singapore on the 18th of June 2009. This is due to the minimal risk of infection to other passengers at that time. However those who have recently arrived from affected countries are advised to seek medical treatment if they develop symptoms of influenza A(H1N1).
Meanwhile, the first local case of influenza A(H1N1) as reported previously is improving and still under treatment at the Pengiran Muda Mahkota Pengiran Muda Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah Hospital. All contacts of this case have been identified and are currently under quarantine.